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Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure used to treat and save teeth that have become infected or damaged. The goal of root canal therapy is to remove the infection, prevent further damage, and preserve the natural tooth as much as possible. It’s often performed by dentist and requires multiple visits over a period of time.

The root canal procedure begins with an examination where your dentist will take X-rays, assess your oral health, and evaluate whether or not you need root canal therapy. If the dentist determines you do need it, they will numb the affected area—using anesthetic—so you don’t feel any pain during the process.

Once the area is numb, your dentist will make an opening in the tooth and remove the infected or damaged pulp inside. The dentist will then clean out any remaining bacteria, shaping the canal and preparing it to receive a filling material. This filling material—which may be made of rubber, gutta-percha, or other materials—will seal off the root from further infection.

To finish, your dentist will usually put a crown on top of the tooth to strengthen and protect it. This is done with either a permanent crown (made by a dental technician) or a temporary one for you to wear until your permanent crown can be fitted. In some cases, a dentin bonding agent is also used to help fill in any gaps around the root of the tooth.

The whole process of root canal therapy can take several visits and may require follow-up care. However, it’s worth it for the long-term benefit that root canal therapy provides: preserving your natural tooth and preventing further damage from occurring.

Root canal therapy is a safe, effective way to treat infected or damaged teeth. But as with any medical procedure, there are some potential risks or complications that may occur during the procedure or afterward such as pain during treatment, an allergic reaction to anesthetic, infection in the treated tooth, or increased sensitivity in the area after the crown is placed. It’s important to talk to your dentist about these risks before undergoing root canal therapy so you know what to expect.

Overall, root canal therapy is a valuable procedure that can protect your teeth from further damage, preserve the natural tooth, and prevent infection. It’s important to work with an experienced dentist who can safely and accurately perform the treatment and provide you with follow-up care. With proper dental care and maintenance, root canal therapy can help keep your mouth healthy for years to come.

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